Call for Applications
Apply today for an opportunity to present your technology needs to over 30 federal labs.
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At the 2014 FLC Mid-Continent / Far West Regional Meeting
FLC Meeting Attendees include:
NAVY SPAWAR - Los Alamos National Laboratory - Sandia National Laboratories - Ames Laboratory - Kansas City Plant - USDA APHIS - USDA ARS - National Renewable Energy Laboratory - NOAA
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Open Innovation - Watch the Video
Open Innovation - <a href="" target="_blank">Watch the Video</a>
Tapping the World’s Laboratories, Building Competitive Products

To compete in today’s global economy businesses seek new markets, new products, and new processes. Success often turns on gaining access to new technologies.

What to expect
Join us and learn how to scout for a new technology, license a patented technology, and partner with a federal lab or research institution to develop a new technology.

Agenda includes:
  • The Mindset and Methods of Open Innovation Seminar
  • Elevator Pitches from up to 24 industry participants to federal lab representatives
  • Meet over 30 federal lab tech transfer offices
  • Newly Added - FLC Sessions on August 27th
  • Newly Added - Tour of NREL
  • Advantages of adopting Open Innovation practices
  • The benefits of working with federal labs and research institutions
  • How to acquire technologies that help you capture new market opportunities